Insulation for internal partition walls


A load-bearing partition wall bridges the ground floor insulation and provides a path for heat energy to bypass the insulation layer. Using PERINSUL HL as a thermal break for internal partition walls eliminates the thermal bridge and reduces heat loss into the ground.


PERINSUL HL courses in with a brick or block masonry partition to connect the ground floor insulation either side and eliminate the thermal bridge caused by the wall. The cellular glass insulation is laid in mortar just like masonry, meaning no change in construction method or delay to the progress of work.

Steel frame

Where a building design requires a load-bearing steel framed internal partition wall, the partition is constructed off a concrete slab or below-ground masonry support wall with its own foundation. To avoid a thermal bridge in the ground floor insulation, use PERINSUL HL to maintain continuity of the thermal envelope and give a sound base on which to construct the partition wall.

Timber frame

The base of a load-bearing timber internal partition sits above the level of the ground floor insulation, supported by masonry on a coarse of masonry/brick/block. The masonry/brick/block acts as a thermal bridge, disrupting the continuity of the floor insulation. Replacing the base course of masonry/brick/block removes the thermal bridge between the floor slab and the partition wall and therefore the true thermal performance of the floor insulation can be achieved.

Product Data sheets

      system characteristics

      • Proven concept: ‘time-tested’ thermal performance, so declared thermal conductivity remains the same for the life of the building.
      • Energy efficiency: provides a thermal break between the wall and foundation, maintaining continuity of the ground floor insulation.
      • Load-bearing: “insulation that thinks it’s a brick” can be coursed in with existing masonry at the right level to suit the floor insulation.
      • Healthy living: consistent, comfortable surface temperature across the whole wall surface, removing cold spots and reducing risk of surface condensation and mould growth.


      how to install perinsul hl

      at the base of internal partition walls

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